義工服務及慈善活動 Volunteering & Charitable Activities

2009 Aaron visits northern Thailand with UNICEF     




有鑑於 城城致力參與及推動各界慈善活動,郭富城國際歌迷會亦組成了一組「義工隊」,以幫助傳播慈善信息,不定期參與各方主辦的公益慈善活動,幫助有需要的長者、青少年及兒童,令社會各方有困難的人仕均得到幫助及關懷。

Whether through music or acting, Aaron has always strived to inspire people to reach for the impossible. He has passionately encouraged everyone to put their hearts into everything they do in order to make a difference. Through the years, Aaron has raised awareness through devoting time to various charities – promoting positivity and care amongst Children In Need, the Elderly and the General Community. Aaron hopes his pleas and contributions can touch the hearts and minds of people and influence everyone to help those less fortunate. His goal is to spread love, kindness and above all else, compassion. No act is to be considered small or large – having the heart to want to make a change and trying to make a change is most important.

Aaron has used his status as a public figure to set an example, by organizing and leading his fan club (Aaron Kwok International Fan Club) to create and build a volunteer team program to help him spread his message.



日  期︰2011年11月19日(星期六)
活動內容︰參觀雲浮仙館、流浮山海鮮市場及自行購物,傍晚時分安排公公婆婆欣賞表演及用餐。 目  的︰透過輕鬆的戶外活動,讓老人走出戶外,呼吸新鮮空氣、放鬆心情,促進身體健康。

One-day Trip to Lau Fau Shan

Date : 19 November 2011 (Sat)
Organized by : Banyan Elderly Service Association
Activities :
 Visit the Wun Chuen Temple to watch a performance and the Lau Fau Shan Seafood market to enjoy a meal.
Purposes : To spend time with the Elderly who often live alone – this will allow them to participate in an outdoor activity, happily relax and enjoy some fresh air.


日  期︰2011年09月11日(星期日)
目  的︰希望在中秋佳節前,讓一些獨居老人感受到人間有情的溫暖厚愛。

Mid-Autumn Festival Celebratory Visits

Date : 11 September 2011 (Sun)
Organized by : Banyan Elderly Service Association
Activities : Visit the Elderly home and distribute moon cakes & fruits to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Purposes : To spend time with the Elderly who often live alone – providing them with warmth, love and concern during an important holiday.

如欲成為「郭富城國際歌迷會 - 義工隊」愛心一員,請將您的個人資料(姓名、聯絡電話、個人專長)電郵至 aaronkwokfanclub@gmail.com,我們會將資料編列,做為日後出席公益慈善活動主動通知對象,誠摯邀請大家付出一己之力,創造更美好的明天。
To become a volunteer under the "Aaron Kwok International Fan Club", please email your personal details (e.g. Name and Contact No.) to aaronkwokfanclub@gmail.com and specify any special skills such as leadership and / or good communication abilities with children or elderly. We will try our best to match you with the appropriate services.

Aaron Kwok Love and Concern International Charity Fund Limited